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We-Men's Day!

Recently the world “observed” WORLD MEN’S DAY on 19th November. Similar to every occasion the men’s day followed the same trend where people rather update their stories than wishing their special ones personally. The question we should ask ourselves is do men really get what they deserve? Does the pseudo feminism presiding over the minds of most of the people around us have served the “patriarchal society” their fair share of the pie? We know the answers, right?

I’m not going deep into the minds of the over passionate feminine promoters, rather I’ll be sticking more on the surface of what men got on their day. I saw posts with sad taglines, quotes, or slogans for men. Yes! I want to ask such people; are men around you reduced just to their sorrows? Or they don’t mean anything else than their sad phases, their struggles, and their pain? Some of them updated their stories saying “we are with you in your depression, your mental health issues (not going to blabber about this either), etc.” is every man around you so sad and valueless that you are only talking about their “issues” and posting into your stories with some sad poetic lines spoken in the background?

If you think you are helping someone by doing so, let me break your myth, you are absolutely not. Rather you are increasing their sadness or you are becoming another reason for their depression, because if you really cared you should’ve called your man, or you were to text them and not busy reducing them to a stupid story that a handful of people ever read. 

These stupid gender tags are dividing society let alone unite it to make everyone feel equal. We should be known by our genders not “tagged” by them. And yes, if Google will create a doodle logo on women’s day and refrain from doing so on men’s day, men will feel inferior and ignored. Life’s not easy for anyone; everyone faces challenges, let alone men or women. What’s actually easy to type your gentleman a sweet wish containing 4 words “Happy International Men’s Day”. So, thank you for your patience reading, and I know it's a bit late but, a very Happy Men’s Day to every Gentleman out there.

Blog by Shreyash.

Your suggestion for the topic of the next blog is heartfully welcomed.


  1. Keep it up Shruti 🧡u are rock❤️🧡❤️🤩

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